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Effective Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief

Samuel Mattocks

Updated August 28, 2024
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Diaphragmatic breathing and 4-7-8 breathing are effective methods for managing stress because they relieve tension and calm the body while also assisting with anxiety, sleeplessness, and lung capacity. The best stress management technique may be to use the Relaxation Response, a deeply relaxed state induced by certain breathing techniques. People's breathing patterns alter when they are under stress. We'll be teaching you how to practice efficient breathing techniques for stress management in this article.
Image Source: Freepik

Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief

1. The Stimulating Breath ( also called Bellows Breath / Bhastrika Pranayama):

Bellows breath, sometimes referred to as exciting breath, is a mental and physical breath workout. The purpose of the bellows breath is to expand your lung capacity, help release tension and anxiety, and provide you with an energy boost.

Bellows Breath helps to release tension and stress by increasing the flow of oxygen and activating the sympathetic nervous system
The controlled pace of Bellows Breath helps restore calm and increases focus — just what you need when anxiety sets in. Additionally, it enhances sleep quality, bellows breath can be paired with a slow-breathing exercise like 4-7-8 breathing before bed to transition your body from a state of alertness back to relaxation.

  • Find a Comfortable Position. Sit up straight. You could sit on the floor with your shoulders relaxed and your back straight; however, a cozy chair is preferable. After you're comfortable, quickly take one in via your nose and one out. You should inhale and exhale quickly. The idea is to replicate your typical breathing pattern after cardio, with one full cycle of inhalation and exhale lasting around one second.
  • Begin the Bellows Breath. Start by inhaling and exhaling rapidly through your nose. While you're at, always keep your mouth closed. Your breaths should be rhythmic. Imagine yourself hearing the steady beat of a drum and following the count. Shoot for three in-and-out breaths per second. You should be able to hear yourself a bit when you inhale and exhale, that’s how you know it is working.
  • Focus on the Movement of Your Diaphragm. Now while you are doing this, try to concentrate on your diaphragm moving. Your stomach should rise and fall with every breath, which you'll likely be able to see. Start with 15 seconds of the Bellows Breath. Over time, you can gradually increase the duration to a full minute.
  • Take a Rest. Rest is important, so take your time and relax after each stress-relief breathing session.
Practice the Bellows Breath with this video:
Bellows Breath helps to release tension and stress by increasing the flow of oxygen and activating the sympathetic nervous system.

The controlled pace of Bellows Breath helps restore calm and increases focus — just what you need when anxiety sets in. Additionally, it enhances sleep quality, bellows breath can be paired with a slow-breathing exercise like 4-7-8 breathing before bed to transition your body from a state of alertness back to relaxation.

2. The 4-7-8 (or Relaxing Breath) Exercise

It is easy and needs a very little amount of time. While learning the exercise, sit with your back straight even though you can perform it in any position. For the duration of the exercise, press the tip of your tongue against the tissue ridge directly below your top front teeth. You will be breathing out through your tongue; if this feels strange, try slightly pursed lips.
  • Position. Make yourself comfortable by either sitting or lying down in a relaxed place. It doesn’t matter what position to take but make sure that your back is straight. Next, place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of your mouth right behind your upper front teeth and hold it there throughout the whole breath exercise.
  • Inhale. Next, shut your mouth, then slowly as well as quietly breathe deeply through the nose. As you breathe, count one through four in your mind.
  • Hold. Beyond ‘four’ it's time to hold your breath until you count up to seven. Step three is an important bit because it helps the oxygen in your blood circulate to where its needed in your body and helps calm your nerves.
  • Exhale.Have you counted to seven? Good. Now it's time to exhale. Let the air out through your mouth this time. It's okay to make the exhale breathy to a count of eight. That means you need to pace the exhale: slow, steady, and controlled. This allows your lungs to empty at a steady, relaxed pace.
  • Repeat.This cycle counts as one breath. To get four breaths, repeat the procedure three more times. You can gradually increase the number of breaths, but in order to prevent any discomfort, you must begin slowly.
Practice the Relaxing Breath exercise with this video:
This breathing technique calms the nervous system naturally. Once you've honed this method via daily practice, you'll always have a very helpful tool on hand. Use it before you react to anything upsetting that occurs.

3. Breath Counting

Breath counting is a simple breath exercise that helps bring peace in the busyness of everyday life. Based on being aware and present, this method is soft but strong in calming the mind, lowering stress, and improving overall health.

  • Find Your Position. With your back straight, sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and take a few long slow deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Begin Counting. Breathe normally and mainly focus on your exhalation. Then exhale counting "one" in your mind. On the next exhale, count "two," and continue until you reach five. Repeat 1 to 5, starting with number one after you get five.
  • Maintain Focus. If you get distracted, stop and return to the breath counting at one. This goal is not to control your breathing but rather to recognize it exists and easily shift back to the count. Work your way up to however long you feel comfortable. Begin with five minutes of breath counting, and add more time as the practice gets easier.
Practice Breath Counting with this video:
Breath counting keeps the mind focused, moving attention away from worrying thoughts. This focused breathing lowers the heart rate, bringing a deep feeling of peace and enhanced sleep quality. Also , it lowers anxiety.

Additional Effective Breathing Techniques

1. Quieting Response

The Quieting Response is special because it can help reduce anxiety, ease stress, and improve sleep.

This method mixes breath exercises with ways to think that help relax your mind and body. It's perfect for people who need to deal with stress quickly and easily.
  • Position. Sit in an open and relaxing position, with a straight posture: upright spine and hands comfortably resting on your lap. Sit quietly and focus.
  • Smile Inwardly. Just envision a smile on your face — even if it's only mild. Doing this simple breath exercise helps in turning off the stress response of your brain.
  • Visualize Warmth. As you breathe deeply, feel the warmth radiating from your diaphragm pulse through other parts of your body. Imagine this heat relaxing every single muscle and melting away any tension.
  • Cue Word. Pick a word — or just words that help you associate relaxation, like "peace", or "calm." Let that word be your mantra, and say it to yourself silently when exhaling and feeling relaxed. Do this for a few minutes and repeat focusing on your breath, the warmth, and your cue word.
The Quieting Response is a useful stress management method that employs mental signals in conjunction with deep breathing to quickly lower stress levels.

Time spent in silence can foster creativity. Your best ideas often come to you in quiet times.

2. Sudarshan Kriya

Many people throughout the world are leading stress-free lifestyles while fulfilling all of their normal commitments by regularly practicing this special breathing method and making lifestyle modifications. You can find out more about this technique via the video here.
  • Ujjayi (Victorious Breath). Begin with Ujjayi breathing (long and deep breaths through your nose) Notice your breath, the ebb and flow of tidal currents stirring chains image fox.com. Do this for a few minutes to get your mind and body relaxed.
  • Bhastrika (Bellows Breath). Follow Ujjayi with Bhastrika breathing where you need to inhale and exhale through your nose rapidly, taking forceful breaths. Each set should be repeated twenty times with short breaks.
  • Om Chanting. Sit in silence after Bhastrika and meditate "Om" thrice. The chant's vibration also keeps the mind even more active.
  • Sudarshan Kriya. Continue to the Sudarshan Kriya - breathing in rhythms at three different speeds: slow, medium, and fast. This cycle can continue for up to 30 minutes or an hour.
Practice Sudarshan Kriya with this video:
It helps with physical relaxation and anxiety reduction, which can greatly enhance sleep quality. It also improves lung function, the practice benefits various breathing depths and rates targeting different areas of the lungs, strengthening and extending them.

3. Teddy Bear Breathing

Lying on their stomach, the youngster watches the toy move up and down in response to their breathing. This helps the child understand the benefits of deep breathing, which promotes both physical and mental relaxation.
  • Find a Comfortable Spot. This could be on the floor, a couch, or bed. The space you choose has to be quiet and not have things that can distract him/her.
  • Lie Down and Relax. Have the child lie down on his/her back and get and relax the child to relax. If they’re somewhat distracted, an extra (optional step) is to tell them to close their eyes to reduce distractions and get them relaxed faster.
  • Place the Teddy Bear. Grab the child’s favorite teddy bear and place it on their tummy. A small toy they love would do too. Tell the child to breathe and in so doing become conscious of the lightweight toy or teddy on their tummy.
  • Start Deep Breathing. Now, ask your child to take deliberate, deep breaths with his/her mouth closed. This will ensure that the child is filling his/her lungs. Then when at capacity, tell the child to exhale and repeat the process. As the child does, try to keep instructions to a minimum so the child can concentrate. With each inhale and exhale, the child will be aware of the toy on their tummy (and indirectly, their breathing).
  • Continue and Reflect. Make the child repeat step 4 for a few minutes. Remind him/her to keep breathing even and calm. After a few months, ask the child to open his/her eyes and sit up. Ask the child how he/she feels. The answer should be positive most of the time.
Practice teddy bear breathing with this video.
Deep breathing and seeing the teddy bear move can help a child feel more at ease and less anxious or afraid. Additionally, it boosts lung power. This helps them breathe better and keeps their breathing system healthy.

Tools for breathing: Stress Eraser and EmWave

A little biofeedback device called the StressEraser keeps track of your heart rate variability (HRV). helping you to breathe in rhythm with your heart, encouraging diaphragmatic breathing for peaceful, concentrated breathing.

Image Source:Freepik
EmWave, developed by HeartMath, is a contemporary device that monitors your heart rate variability and provides fast outcomes. It encourages equal breathing, which assists in managing stress more.

Incorporating Breathing Techniques into Daily Life

Breathwork doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming to incorporate into your everyday practice. Every day, set aside a little period of time to practice breathwork. Your mental health can benefit greatly from even a short while.

As these exercises become easier and more automatic, gradually increase their length.

Begin by dedicating a few minutes each day to practice. Starting with short sessions helps you establish the routine without becoming overwhelmed. This simplifies the process of recalling and maintaining the routine.

Discover a peaceful and cozy location where you can engage in practice without any disturbances. Having a peaceful atmosphere enhances the efficacy of your breathing routines and aids in achieving a deeper state of relaxation.

Utilize a journal or a tracking app to document your practice sessions and post-practice emotions. Monitoring your development can motivate you to remain dedicated and observe enhancements in areas such as stress levels, quality of sleep, and lung functionality.


In summary, you can significantly enhance your health by incorporating basic breathing techniques into your everyday routine. Whether you opt for the calming 4-7-8 breathing, belly breathing, or other anxiety-reduction strategies, these approaches can help reduce your anxiety and promote more restful, rejuvenating sleep.


2. Fletcher, J. (2024, August 21). How to use 4-7-8 breathing for anxiety.
3. Clinic, C. (2024, June 27). How to do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. Cleveland Clinic.
4. Rakshak, & Rakshak. (2024a, August 20). What is Sudarshan Kriya? - The Art of Living. The Art of Living - Making Life A Celebration.
5. Sunim, D. M. H. (2017, December 7). Breath Counting Meditation: How to build mental power. HuffPost.
As the co-founder of ReadyO₂ and a highly educated expert in respiratory care, Samuel Mattocks brings over ten years of experience to the blog. He works closely with top respiratory therapists to provide clear, actionable information on oxygen therapy and respiratory care. He is committed to educating readers about respiratory health, covering topics such as the management of COPD, asthma, and other lung diseases. His clear, concise writing style helps demystify complex medical concepts, empowering patients to take control of their health and make informed choices.

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